Programa Interlaboratorial Unity

Unity Interlab Program


Participar de um programa interlaboratorial de alta qualidade é muito importante para os laboratórios, pois ajuda a garantir a confiabilidade e precisão dos sistemas de teste.

Nenhum programa do mundo é mais poderoso e eficaz no fornecimento de informações e na melhora do desempenho analítico do laboratório do que o programa interlaboratorial Unity da Bio-Rad.

  • Seja um dos milhares de laboratórios participantes em todo o mundo, mais do que qualquer outro programa interlaboratorial.
  • Participar de grandes grupos interlaboratoriais da Bio-Rad que são críticos nas comparações de pares significativos.
  • Reconhecer as oportunidades de melhoria de processos analíticos.
  • Aumentar a confiança nos resultados da pesquisa de proficiência.
  • Identificar tendências não reconhecidas ou mudanças que podem ocorrer entre s pesquisas de proficiência.
  • Receber relatórios de comparação interlaboratorial sob demanda para solução de problemas em tempo real, sem prazos ajustáveis para a apresentação de dados.
  • Receber relatórios mensais com prazos regulares de envio de dados para maximizar o tamanho dos grupos de pares.
  • Enviar dados eletronicamente com o sistema de gerenciamento do Unity.
  • Receber relatórios e outras informações rapidamente através da Internet com QCNet ™.

Detectando erros em seu sistema de teste

Sem um programa interlaboratorial de alta qualidade, o laboratório pode não estar ciente de mudanças graduais ou repentinas no seu sistema de teste que muitas vezes são causadas por eventos como reformulação dos reagentes ou calibradores, alterações de normalização ou mudanças do software. Um programa interlaboratorial pode oferecer consciência das mudanças e tendências e ajudar a verificar a confiabilidade dos testes de laboratório.

Melhoria dos resultados em pesquisas de Proficiência

Um programa interlaboratorial também pode aumentar a sua confiança nas pesquisas de proficiência. Se o seu laboratório compara bem com outros laboratórios que participam de um programa interlaboratorial, também é provável que se comparam bem com outros laboratórios participantes no seu programa de ensaios de proficiência.

Alguns laboratórios vão argumentar que um programa de ensaios de proficiência fornece informações suficientes para mensurar o desempenho geral do sistema de teste. Isto simplesmente não é verdade.

  • Pesquisas de proficiência fornecem meramente um resultado instantâneo no tempo e não deve ser utilizado como um substituto para o controlo de qualidade diário com um programa interlaboratorial.
  • O desempenho aceitável no dia do ensaio de proficiência não garante a confiabilidade de teste todos os dias.
  • A participação em um programa interlaboratorial é a melhor maneira de estar confiante no desempenho do sistema de teste todos os dias, especialmente com um programa interlaboratorial que oferece uma opção de receber feedback interlaboratorial instantânea sob demanda.

Um programa interlaboratorial, duas opções valiosas

Bio-Rad tem o prazer de oferecer aos laboratórios que utilizam o sistema de gerenciamento de dados Unity a capacidade de receber relatórios sob demanda InstantQC ™, além dos relatórios interlaboratoriais mensais padronizados do Unity. Isso permite aos laboratórios aproveitarem o melhor dos dois mundos.

InstantQC permite comparar os resultados de controle com outros laboratórios a qualquer momento. É particularmente útil para solucionar problemas com o desempenho do sistema de teste devido ao tempo rápido de resposta dos relatórios.

Em destaque, o envio mensal das informações para o Unity é necessária uma vez por mês para garantir o tamanho do grupo de pares que são maximizados para um controle regular e periódico dos seus sistemas de testes. Relatórios mensais do Unity são mais abrangentes do que os relatórios imediatos. Ambos os tipos de relatórios estão disponíveis no site da QCNet para sua conveniência.

""Para comparar nossos dados com um grupo de pares substancial assegura que estamos transformando dados confiáveis do paciente."
— Supervisor Laboratorial, Escola de Medicina
"Os Relatórios são claros e fácil de ler e compreender. Para cada teste, relatórios do Unity para o Nosso Laboratório mostram um resumo dos nossos dados, o nosso grupo de instrumento e os nossos grupos de metodologia.
— Clinica Química, Hospital Laboratorial
"A documentação dos controles da Bio-Rad utilizando o Programa Unity de CQ tem sido bem aceito pelos inspetores da PAC.
— Diretor Laboratorial, Centro de Saúde

Unity Interlab Program


Participation in a high quality interlaboratory program is as important as ever for laboratories to help ensure the reliability and precision of testing systems.

No program in the world is more powerful and effective at providing information and improving laboratory analytical performance than Bio-Rad's Unity Interlaboratory Program.

Data Management Solutions
  • Be one of thousands of lab site participants worldwide, more than any other interlaboratory program.
  • Participate in Bio-Rad's large interlaboratory groups, which are critical to significant peer comparisons.
  • Recognize analytical process improvement opportunities.
  • Increase confidence in proficiency survey outcomes.
  • Identify unrecognized trends or shifts that may occur between proficiency surveys.
  • Receive on-demand interlaboratory comparison reports for real-time troubleshooting with no applicable deadlines for data submission.
  • Receive routine monthly reports with regular data submission deadlines to maximize peer group sizes.
  • Submit data electronically with the Unity data management software system.
  • Receive reports and other information quickly via the Internet with QCNet™.
Unity Interlab Brochure
• "... for laboratory self-evaluation, peer-related bias and relative imprecision are useful parameters." 
— CLSI (formerly NCCLS), C24-A2, Vol. 19, No. 5
• "The laboratory shall participate in interlaboratory comparisons..."
— ISO 15189: 2003(E), Subclause 5.6.4.

Detecting Errors in your Test System

Without a high-quality interlaboratory program, your laboratory may not be aware of gradual or sudden changes in your test system that are often caused by events such as reagent or calibrator reformulations, standardization changes, or instrument software changes. An interlaboratory program can offer awareness of shifts and trends and help verify the reliability of laboratory testing.

Improving Outcomes on Proficiency Surveys

An interlaboratory program can also increase your confidence in proficiency surveys. If your laboratory compares well to other laboratories participating in an interlaboratory program, you are also likely to compare well to other laboratories participating in your proficiency testing program.

Some will argue that a proficiency testing program provides sufficient information to measure overall test system performance. This is simply not true.

  • Proficiency surveys merely provide a snapshot in time and should not be used as a substitute for daily quality control with an interlaboratory program.
  • Acceptable performance on the day of the proficiency testing does not guarantee testing reliability every day.
  • Participation in an interlaboratory program is the best way to be confident in test system performance every day, especially with an interlaboratory program that offers an option to receive instant interlaboratory feedback on demand.

One Interlaboratory Program, Two Valuable Options

Bio-Rad is pleased to offer laboratories that use the Unity data management software system the ability to receive on-demand InstantQC™ reports in addition to standard monthly Unity interlaboratory reports. This allows laboratories to take advantage of the best of two worlds.

InstantQC permits you to compare your control results to other laboratories any time. It is particularly useful for troubleshooting problems with test system performance because of the rapid report turnaround times.

In contrast, submission for monthly Unity is required once per month to ensure that peer group sizes are maximized for regular, periodic review of your test systems. Monthly Unity reports are more comprehensive than InstantQC reports. Both report types are available on the QCNet website for your convenience.


"To compare our data with a substantial peer group ensures that we are turning out reliable patient data." 
— Laboratory Supervisor, School of Medicine
"The reports are clean and easy to read and understand. For each test, Unity Reports for our lab show a summary of our data, our instrument group, and our method group—reports are simple."
— Clinical Chemist, Hospital Laboratory
"The documentation of Bio-Rad Controls using the Unity QC Program has been well accepted by CAP inspectors. Worry free QC." 
— Laboratory Director, Health Center

"Laboratories are encouraged to actively participate in interlaboratory QC programs..."
— CLSI (formerly NCCLS), C24-A2, Vol. 19, No. 5.
Unity Interlab Program


Participation in a high quality interlaboratory program is as important as ever for laboratories to help ensure the reliability and precision of testing systems.

No program in the world is more powerful and effective at providing information and improving laboratory analytical performance than Bio-Rad's Unity Interlaboratory Program.

Data Management Solutions
  • Be one of thousands of lab site participants worldwide, more than any other interlaboratory program.
  • Participate in Bio-Rad's large interlaboratory groups, which are critical to significant peer comparisons.
  • Recognize analytical process improvement opportunities.
  • Increase confidence in proficiency survey outcomes.
  • Identify unrecognized trends or shifts that may occur between proficiency surveys.
  • Receive on-demand interlaboratory comparison reports for real-time troubleshooting with no applicable deadlines for data submission.
  • Receive routine monthly reports with regular data submission deadlines to maximize peer group sizes.
  • Submit data electronically with the Unity data management software system.
  • Receive reports and other information quickly via the Internet with QCNet™.
Unity Interlab Brochure
• "... for laboratory self-evaluation, peer-related bias and relative imprecision are useful parameters." 
— CLSI (formerly NCCLS), C24-A2, Vol. 19, No. 5
• "The laboratory shall participate in interlaboratory comparisons..."
— ISO 15189: 2003(E), Subclause 5.6.4.

Detecting Errors in your Test System

Without a high-quality interlaboratory program, your laboratory may not be aware of gradual or sudden changes in your test system that are often caused by events such as reagent or calibrator reformulations, standardization changes, or instrument software changes. An interlaboratory program can offer awareness of shifts and trends and help verify the reliability of laboratory testing.

Improving Outcomes on Proficiency Surveys

An interlaboratory program can also increase your confidence in proficiency surveys. If your laboratory compares well to other laboratories participating in an interlaboratory program, you are also likely to compare well to other laboratories participating in your proficiency testing program.

Some will argue that a proficiency testing program provides sufficient information to measure overall test system performance. This is simply not true.

  • Proficiency surveys merely provide a snapshot in time and should not be used as a substitute for daily quality control with an interlaboratory program.
  • Acceptable performance on the day of the proficiency testing does not guarantee testing reliability every day.
  • Participation in an interlaboratory program is the best way to be confident in test system performance every day, especially with an interlaboratory program that offers an option to receive instant interlaboratory feedback on demand.

One Interlaboratory Program, Two Valuable Options

Bio-Rad is pleased to offer laboratories that use the Unity data management software system the ability to receive on-demand InstantQC™ reports in addition to standard monthly Unity interlaboratory reports. This allows laboratories to take advantage of the best of two worlds.

InstantQC permits you to compare your control results to other laboratories any time. It is particularly useful for troubleshooting problems with test system performance because of the rapid report turnaround times.

In contrast, submission for monthly Unity is required once per month to ensure that peer group sizes are maximized for regular, periodic review of your test systems. Monthly Unity reports are more comprehensive than InstantQC reports. Both report types are available on the QCNet website for your convenience.


"To compare our data with a substantial peer group ensures that we are turning out reliable patient data." 
— Laboratory Supervisor, School of Medicine
"The reports are clean and easy to read and understand. For each test, Unity Reports for our lab show a summary of our data, our instrument group, and our method group—reports are simple."
— Clinical Chemist, Hospital Laboratory
"The documentation of Bio-Rad Controls using the Unity QC Program has been well accepted by CAP inspectors. Worry free QC." 
— Laboratory Director, Health Center

"Laboratories are encouraged to actively participate in interlaboratory QC programs..."
— CLSI (formerly NCCLS), C24-A2, Vol. 19, No. 5.