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External Quality
Assurance Services

Fully accredited, international EQA program

External Quality Assessment Services (EQAS) programs are used to periodically assess the quality of a lab’s performance and achieve added confidence in patient test results. Results are objectively compared to other laboratories using the same methodologies, instruments, and reagents. Evaluations help initiate process to identify sources of error across all the analytic testing phases and can be used to evaluate both staff and assay performances. Bio-Rad’s EQAS program gives you access to a fully accredited, comprehensive program, large peer groups, and technical support from our experienced specialists—for an independent and confidential external assessment of your lab’s performance.

Independent, confidential assessment

Get access to EQAS

EQAS calendar

After you’ve registered, you can begin your testing program. When it comes to testing samples and submitting data, we provide your sample due dates in a number of places, including the sample label, product insert, EQAS Online, and the EQAS calendar.

See calendar

EQAS reports

Benefits of EQAS programs

Certificate icon
Certificate icon

Full accreditation helps increase reliability and solidifies our commitment to quality

Software icon
Software icon

Comprehensive, easy-to-read reports help streamline workflow

Laboratory flask icon
Laboratory flask icon

Similar to patient samples at clinically relevant levels

Data transfer icon
Data transfer icon

Two electronic reporting options, EQAS Online and EQAS Mobile, add convenience

List icon
List icon

Comprehensive analyte menus offer wide range of tests for clinical labs and blood banks

Customer support icon
Customer support icon

Technical support from experienced professionals adds confidence

EQAS programs

EQAS Clinical Chemistry (Monthly) Program

EQAS Clinical Chemistry (Monthly) Program

EQAS Clinical Chemistry (Monthly) Program

  • Lyophilized, human serum-based
  • 12 x 5 mL
  • Reference Method Values provided for select analytes
  • Multi-analyte: acid phosphatase (total), ALT/SGPT, albumin, ...

EQAS Ethanol/Ammonia Program

EQAS Ethanol/Ammonia Program

EQAS Ethanol/Ammonia Program

  • Liquid, human serum-based
  • Clinically relevant levels of serum ethanol and ammonia
  • 12 x 3 mL
  • Ethanol, ammonia

EQAS Lipids Program

EQAS Lipids Program

EQAS Lipids Program

  • Liquid, human serum-based
  • Comprehensive menu of lipid profile analytes
  • 12 x 3 mL
  • Multi-analyte: Apo-A1, Apo-B, cholesterol (HDL), …

EQAS Urine Chemistry Program

EQAS Urine Chemistry Program

EQAS Urine Chemistry Program

  • Lyophilized, human urine-based
  • Matrix appropriate samples include basic and specialty urine chemistry analytes
  • 12 x 10 mL
  • Multi-analyte: 5-HIAA, aldosterone, calcium (total), ...

EQAS Urinalysis Program

EQAS Urinalysis Program

EQAS Urinalysis Program

  • Liquid matrix
  • Suitable for manual and automated dipstick analysis in both clinical and point-of-care testing (POCT)
  • 12 x 12 mL
  • Multi-analyte: albumin, albumin-to-creatinine ratio, bilirubin, …

EQAS Blood Gas Program

EQAS Blood Gas Program

EQAS Blood Gas Program

  • Liquid, aqueous samples
  • Comprehensive menu for assessment of laboratory performance of blood gas, electrolyte, glucose, lactate, and magnesium tests
  • 12 x 2.5 mL
  • Multi-analyte: calcium (ionized), chloride, glucose, …

EQAS Workflow

Illustrated diagram showing 9 steps of External Quality Assessment Services workflow
Illustrated diagram showing 9 steps of External Quality Assessment Services workflow

Find out how EQAS can help assess your lab’s performance

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